[SIGCIS-Members] Python

Danny Spitzberg stationaery at gmail.com
Mon Mar 25 07:53:41 PDT 2024

Hi Troy-

Here’s a short history of Python’s community governance transition.

The case study speaks to larger issues of the language and the core
developers debating conflicting definitions and more- and the diplomacy
that enable Python to persevere. It also includes a few links to sources
for further inquiry.



On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 7:38 AM Troy Astarte via Members <
members at lists.sigcis.org> wrote:

> Hi list,
> Does anyone have any sources on the history of the Python programming
> language, its uses in education, healthcare, and AI, and how it has shaped
> the way computing is done in these areas? A quick around my library of
> sources didn’t turn up any obvious starting points. Asking for a student
> :-)
> Best,
> Dr. Troy Kaighin Astarte (they/them / nhw)
> Lecturer, Computer Science / Darlithydd, Cyfrifiadureg
> Swansea University / Prifysgol Abertawe
> For students: my drop in hours are on the Intranet
> <https://fse-intranet.swan.ac.uk/intranet/staff_officehours?selected_staff_id=203842> (office
> CoFo 407)
> I fyfyrwyr: mae fy oriau swyddfa ar y fewnrwyd.
> Meeting booking: via Office Booking
> <https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/user/8e101a47e22e4af793d033901758d0e4@Swansea.ac.uk/meetingtype/SVRwCe7HMUGxuT6WGxi68g2?anonymous&ep=mlink>
> .
> Zoom office: https://swanseauniversity.zoom.us/my/t.k.astarte
> Every email has a cost to the climate. Please think before sending short
> emails.
> Mae gan bob e-bost gost i’r hinsawdd. Meddyliwch cyn i chi anfon e-byst
> byr.
> Due to RSI sometimes I’ll need to dictate messages and they might come out
> a bit weird. Thanks for your patience.
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