[SIGCIS-Members] Python

Emma Jablonski ejablons at ucsd.edu
Mon Mar 25 07:59:16 PDT 2024

Hi Troy,

I'm not sure if this is the kind of answer you're looking for, but I've
come across articles on hackernews where people have written up their
experiences with the history of Python, which could be a starting point-
E.g. one of the search results is Guido van Rossum's blog with his persona


On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 10:54 AM Danny Spitzberg via Members <
members at lists.sigcis.org> wrote:

> Hi Troy-
> Here’s a short history of Python’s community governance transition.
> The case study speaks to larger issues of the language and the core
> developers debating conflicting definitions and more- and the diplomacy
> that enable Python to persevere. It also includes a few links to sources
> for further inquiry.
> https://e2c.how/python
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://e2c.how/python__;!!Mih3wA!CXgw7jiEMWVxIrLZTgwuz-mvvrTdXeCN-Wj1206M5gKYknsSmza0_qeUtng8peIiKOUKrp96jn1BibLxEm-_oQ$>
> Warmly,
> Danny
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 7:38 AM Troy Astarte via Members <
> members at lists.sigcis.org> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> Does anyone have any sources on the history of the Python programming
>> language, its uses in education, healthcare, and AI, and how it has shaped
>> the way computing is done in these areas? A quick around my library of
>> sources didn’t turn up any obvious starting points. Asking for a student
>> :-)
>> Best,
>> Dr. Troy Kaighin Astarte (they/them / nhw)
>> Lecturer, Computer Science / Darlithydd, Cyfrifiadureg
>> Swansea University / Prifysgol Abertawe
>> For students: my drop in hours are on the Intranet
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fse-intranet.swan.ac.uk/intranet/staff_officehours?selected_staff_id=203842__;!!Mih3wA!CXgw7jiEMWVxIrLZTgwuz-mvvrTdXeCN-Wj1206M5gKYknsSmza0_qeUtng8peIiKOUKrp96jn1BibIw8znbBA$> (office
>> CoFo 407)
>> I fyfyrwyr: mae fy oriau swyddfa ar y fewnrwyd.
>> Meeting booking: via Office Booking
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/user/8e101a47e22e4af793d033901758d0e4@Swansea.ac.uk/meetingtype/SVRwCe7HMUGxuT6WGxi68g2?anonymous&ep=mlink__;!!Mih3wA!CXgw7jiEMWVxIrLZTgwuz-mvvrTdXeCN-Wj1206M5gKYknsSmza0_qeUtng8peIiKOUKrp96jn1BibJ4QFxp9A$>
>> .
>> Zoom office: https://swanseauniversity.zoom.us/my/t.k.astarte
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://swanseauniversity.zoom.us/my/t.k.astarte__;!!Mih3wA!CXgw7jiEMWVxIrLZTgwuz-mvvrTdXeCN-Wj1206M5gKYknsSmza0_qeUtng8peIiKOUKrp96jn1BibJ7hrbm3g$>
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>> emails.
>> Mae gan bob e-bost gost i’r hinsawdd. Meddyliwch cyn i chi anfon e-byst
>> byr.
>> Due to RSI sometimes I’ll need to dictate messages and they might come
>> out a bit weird. Thanks for your patience.
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