[SIGCIS-Members] SIGCIS 2023: Online Edition 2.0 is this Thursday-Saturday, September 21-23

Babintseva, Ekaterina ebabints at purdue.edu
Mon Sep 18 07:47:04 PDT 2023

Dear SIGCIS Members,

Please join us this week for SIGCIS 2023: Online Edition 2.0<http://meetings.sigcis.org/>! This year the SIGCIS conference will take place September 21-23, 2023 over Zoom.

We have a dynamic program featuring leading scholars of computing history, capped by a keynote on Friday with Tung-Hui Hu, Associate Professor of English at the University of Michigan and author of Digital Lethargy: Dispatches from an Age of Disconnection (2022) and A Prehistory of the Cloud (2015). The schedule is online here.<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vBU9cDw8p5LZHax-YI-ZMAZRGTMLpnYGGP9pDI-jUbk/edit?usp=sharing>

The cost of registration<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sigcis-2023-online-edition-20-registration-699306483517> is on a suggested donation/pay-what-you-can basis and does not require membership and registration for our parent conference (SHOT) in November. We offer suggested rates for academic and non-academic participants, and trust you to select the conference fee rate that makes sense for your context, especially for scholars with limited means and limited access to research or reimbursement funds. Please pay what you can to support SIGCIS.

Senior Faculty or Working Professional: $60
Junior Faculty: $40
VAPs, Post-Docs, or Other Contingent Roles: $20
Precariously Employed Individuals, Adjuncts, Graduate Students: $0-$5**
**Please Note: Eventbrite does not permit $0 donations. If you would like to register without having to pay, please email the SIGCIS Meetings Organizing Committee at sigcis2023 at morganya.org<mailto:sigcis2023 at morganya.org> and we would be happy to register you for no cost.

The SIGCIS Conference is the leading annual international meeting for researchers of computing and information history. The Conference is organized by members of the Special Interest Group for Computing, Information, and Society, part of the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT). See https://meetings.sigcis.org<https://meetings.sigcis.org/> for more information.

We hope to see you there!


The SIGCIS Meetings Organizing Committee:

Morgan Ames (SIGCIS Co-Vice-Chair of Meetings), Laine Nooney (SIGCIS Co-Vice-Chair of Meetings), Katya Babintseva, Stephanie Dick, Xiaochang Li, Colette Perold, Gili Vidan

Ekaterina Babintseva [bahb-int-seva]<https://www.cla.purdue.edu/directory/profiles/ekaterina-babintseva.html>
Assistant Professor in the History of Technology
Purdue University
Department of History, University Hall 120
672 Oval Drive
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
ebabints at purdue.edu<mailto:ebabints at purdue.edu>

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