[SIGCIS-Members] Introduction and SHOT Talk

Salem Elzway selzway at umich.edu
Tue Oct 15 11:43:28 PDT 2019

Greetings everyone,

I've long been a spectator of the SIGCIS mailing list and thought now would
be a good time to formally introduce myself.

My name is Salem Elzway and I'm a PhD candidate at the University of
Michigan.  I'm currently researching and (slowly) writing my dissertation
that will explore the history and political economy of industrial robots.
Although robots are the fulcrum of the dissertation, I'm equally interested
in rethinking how industrial and national security policy formation and
implementation became mutually-oriented around specific processes and
technologies in the post war world.  (And speaking of "mutual orientation,"
Paul Edwards said I could drop his name as one of my committee members,
just to give myself some street cred!)  The dissertation is essentially
envisioned as a follow-up to David Noble's *Forces of Production.*  And,
like all good sequels, I'm picking up where Noble left off with the hope
that the next phase of the story will lead to new insights and constructive
complications of the original.

Also, I'll be presenting a paper in Milano (shameless plug, I know!) called
"Arming the Artificial Intelligentsia:  AI, Robots, and the Design of
National Security" that's essentially an extremely condensed version of two
in-progress dissertation chapters:  one on MIT and the other on Stanford.
Please come to what I'm sure will be an excellent panel  (Session #S18,
"Controlling the AI Future: Shaping Emerging Technologies") chaired by
Jonathan Coopersmith, and featuring talks by Andrew Meade McGee, Ramesh
Subramanian, and myself.

Excited to meet any and all of you in Italy, and looking forward to some
great conversations in the years ahead!


Salem Elzway
PhD Candidate
Department of History
University of Michigan
selzway at umich.edu
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