[SIGCIS-Members] 2019 BSHS Ayrton Prize for digital engagement: nominations open

James Sumner james.sumner at manchester.ac.uk
Fri Nov 22 14:13:50 PST 2019

Of likely interest to some listmembers...


The British Society for the History of Science’s Outreach and Engagement 
Committee <https://www.bshs.org.uk/category/outreach-and-education> is 
delighted to invite nominations to the *BSHS Ayrton Prize 2019.* This 
prize is awarded once every two years to recognise outstanding digital 
engagement in the history of science, technology and medicine (HSTM).

We interpret the term “digital engagement” broadly to include:

•publicly accessible websites, or clearly defined contributions to 
existing web-based projects

•podcasts and audio or video projects created for online delivery

•online forums for public dialogue and discussion

•social media initiatives (the nomination should be for a well-defined 
and publicly identifiable campaign or series of activities, rather than 
a general engagement presence)

•smartphone apps

•citizen science-style public engagement projects delivered online

•virtual/augmented reality environments

•simulations and models based on historical sources or data

•projects using digital methods to make source materials more accessible 
to a wider audience (for example, 3D imaging of historical objects)

•research projects which apply digital humanities approaches to HSTM 
sources or metadata, provided they have a public engagement element

•digital tools and utilities to aid the work of public engagement 

If you are interested in nominating a project which seems to fall 
outside these categories, please contact the organisers for clarification.

To be eligible, entries should

•have been created or updated with substantial new content within the 
last two years

•directly or indirectly support engagement or dialogue between 
specialists in the HSTM community and non-specialists

•Reflect current best practice in both HSTM and digital engagement.


The projects will be evaluated using the following criteria:

•Does the project reflect current scholarship in HSTM?

•Does the project display good digital design principles? Is it easily 
navigable and accessible?

•Is it innovative in its technical and/or scholarly approach?

•Does it make effective use of the medium?

•Is the content accurate and, where appropriate, supported by 
appropriate references to scholarly sources or further material?

•Is it useful to HSTM practitioners and/or is it informative and 
interesting to public audiences?

•Are there clear and feasible plans to secure the longer-term future of 
the project?


Nominations should come from representatives of the projects themselves. 
If you feel that a project you did not work on directly should be 
nominated, please encourage the project developers/managers to apply.

Entrants should complete the short form available at 
https://www.bshs.org.uk/ayrton-prize-2019-nominations-open and send it 
to ayrton at bshs.org.uk <mailto:ayrton at bshs.org.uk>. All queries should 
also be sent to this address.

The closing date for entries is *Monday 6 January 2020.*

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