[SIGCIS-Members] What happened on the list last year

Siddiqui, Nabeel nsiddiqu at richmond.edu
Fri Nov 30 15:34:06 PST 2018

I am saddened to see the harassment that Joy has faced.  In our own personal conversations, she had alluded to many of these issues, but I did not know the extent of the harassment.  I am glad that she has alluded to finding support in the SIGCIS community.

In the future, I hope we can all work together to make sure our members are supported not only in their scholarship but also in their well-being and that we can continue to be a place of support.

From: Members <members-bounces at lists.sigcis.org> on behalf of James Sumner <james.sumner at manchester.ac.uk>
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2018 3:22:26 AM
To: members at lists.sigcis.org
Subject: Re: [SIGCIS-Members] What happened on the list last year

Dear Joy

There's not much I can say that hasn't already been said well by others on this list, but I'd like to add my thanks to you for taking the decision to write and circulate this testimony, which to me was a sobering blend of the dispiritingly familiar and the truly shocking. It will be a real help in spreading awareness of how the people who do this operate and, I hope and believe, how they can be challenged.

On a happier note, I'm now most of the way through reading A People's History, and when I'm done will straight away be passing it on to a new PhD student who's at the literature review stage of a planned project on the Internet in public culture: your revised narrative of the growth of networked computing is going to be decidedly useful.

With all best wishes for the future,

On 28/11/2018 18:49, drjoy wrote:
Hello SIGCIS Colleagues,

First, thank you for your many on- and off-list messages of congratulations and support for my book. I deeply appreciate them, especially in the context of what I'm about to share.

Those of you who were on the list last spring saw my work savaged by a man named Brian Dear. Even then, I received on- and off-list messages of support for my scholarship. But what happened publicly was only one piece of a terrible, terrible year.

Here is a fuller picture: https://medium.com/@drjoy/why-im-firing-michigan-state-sexual-harassment-online-harassment-and-utter-institutional-6663a6bde68e

SIGCIS as an organization did the right thing, and for that, I'm grateful.

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