[SIGCIS-Members] Query: the psychology of mood and emotion in HCI

Luke Stark luke.stark at nyu.edu
Mon Jul 13 08:53:56 PDT 2015

Hello all,

Long-time lurker, first-time poster here - thank you for maintaining a
community that feels open and welcoming to queries from humble grad

My doctoral research at NYU involves, in part, exploring how concepts and
techniques from psychology around emotion and mood have been engaged with
and incorporated into HCI scholarship, curricula, and design projects over
the past 30 years (or haven't been, as the case may be). I've looked at
many of the core texts applying cognitive psychology to HCI in the 80s
(Card, Moran and Newell, the edited volume by Gardiner and Christie, and
others) and of course Ros Picard's more recent work on affective computing,
Phoebe Sengers writing on the subject, etc. But I can't help but feel like
I'm missing things, particularly from the last century, that are a little
more off the beaten track

As such, I would hugely value leads or references to work in human factors
or HCI from the 80s and 90s that looks explicitly at emotion, and bucked
the prevalent information-processing mode of human cognition. This work
might not exist (which will shape my argument in of itself) but I thought I
would appeal to the SIGCIS hive mind. No reference is too obscure! I'm also
curious as to how and where folks might have engaged with the psychological
sciences in your own research on computation, and how you teach about
emotion and mood in the computational context to your students (both those
of you who are historians, and those of you who do more practical UX work).

Any contributions (including thoughts via email, course syllabi, or
insights) would be valuable research material (for which you'd get
full credit) and much appreciated. Many thanks in advance!

All the best,

Luke Stark
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Media, Culture, and Communication

The Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
New York University
239 Greene Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10003

tel: (1) 646.530.0400
fax: (1) 212.995.4046
email: luke.stark at nyu.edu
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