[SIGCIS-Members] SHOT Roundtable on Education (SHOT-Portland-ME)
Thomas Haigh
thaigh at computer.org
Wed Aug 21 21:54:36 PDT 2013
Hello SIGCIS members,
Heres an odd request: you might want to consider not coming to the latest
SIGCIS workshop on the Sunday of the SHOT meeting this year in Portland
Maine. Specifically, Atsushi Akera (himself a former acting leader of our
group and winner of our book prize) has asked me to forward the announcement
below. SIGCIS is having a full day workshop.
Now, what Atsushi wants you to know and I thus feel honor bound to tell you,
is that he has organized an entirely separate Sunday morning event for the
Prometheans SIG on the theme of How Should We Teach the History of
Technology? The other organizers, Ann Johnson and Jonathan Coppersmith, are
also active SIGCIS members. They are hoping that you come to it. Their
lineup of panelists looks very interesting, though hopefully not so
interesting as to drag everyone away from our cutting edge workshop on Old
Ideas. So this gives you another good reason to stay in Portland on Sunday,
and of course you would be free in the afternoon to attend the second half
our workshop even if you opt to consider pedagogical matters in the morning.
(Our own workshop page is www.sigcis.org/workshop13 although the provisional
program is not up yet. Im travelling with my family this week, but should
get it posted soon).
The Prometheans
SHOTs Engineering SIG
Atsushi Akera (Rensselaer), Chair
Ann Johnson (University of South Carolina), Chair Elect
Jonathan Coopersmith (Texas A&M), Outreach Coordinator
A Prometheans (Engineering) SIG Sponsored Session
Sunday, 13 October 2013
9am 12 noon
@ The SHOT Annual Meeting
Portland, Maine
How Should We Teach the History of Technology?
A Roundtable on Education
Final Program
9am Welcome & Opening Remarks
Atsushi Akera (Rensselaer)
Roundtable Organizer & Prometheans SIG Chair
915am Roundtable Discussion I
Voids, Opportunities, Audience
Opening Statements
Starting Points and Trajectories of STS/History of
Technology and What It Excludes
Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga (MIT)
Selling the History of Technology to History Majors
Arwen Mohun (University of Delaware)
Graduate Seminars that Reach Out to Science and Engineering Students
Matthew Wisnioski (Virginia Tech)
Preparing Students for the Emerging Innovation Economy
Lars Heide (Copenhagen Business School)
The History of Innovations and Transitions Inspiring New Engineering
Practices: Why History Matters
Ulrik Jørgensen (Aalborg University)
Perspectives on Environmental Ethics & Sustainability
Sara Pritchard (Cornell University)
1030am (break)
1045am Panel Discussion II
Pedagogic Challenges
Opening Statements
Technology and the History of Technology in General
Education (Gen Ed) Programs
Heidi Voskuhl (Harvard University)
Inspiring Students at a Small Liberal Arts College
William Storey (Millsaps College)
Rigor in the Humanities at an Engineering School
Atsushi Akera (Rensselaer)
Student Engagement with Normativity
Ann Johnson (University of South Carolina)
Challenges and Rewards of Integrating History of Technology with Technical
Robert Martello (Olin College)
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