[SIGCIS-Members] 3 Upcoming Online History Events

Brian Berg brianberg at gmail.com
Fri May 10 20:05:27 PDT 2024

Hello, all,

Here are 3 upcoming online history events:

*Fri, May 17, 3pm PT (22:00 UTC) - The Office of the Future: 3 IEEE
Milestones Honoring SRI and Its Xerox PARC Heritage*
Register for online event at

*Sun, May 19, 12 Noon PT (19:00 UTC) - A Celebration of 50 Years of the
Register for online event at https://ieeetv.ieee.org/live-events/i50

*Mon, May 20, 1pm PT (20:00 UTC) - IEEE Milestone Celebration: TCP, 802
Standards, and Google*
Register for online event at

Brian A. Berg / bberg at StanfordAlumni.org
Berg Software Design - LinkedIn Profile
180 Lithia Way, Suite 201, Ashland, OR 97520 USA
14500 Big Basin Way, Suite J, Saratoga, CA 95070 USA
Voice: 408.741.5010 / Cell: 408.568.2505
Consulting: Flash Memory/USB/Storage/Patents
FMS Technical Chair: www.FlashMemorySummit.com
IEEE History Committee
IEEE Milestones Subcommittee Chair
IEEE Milestone <http://www.siliconvalleymilestones.com/> Coordinator &
History Chair - Region 6 <http://www.ieee-region6.org/>/SCV Section
Curator: www.SiliconValleyMilestones.com
IEEE SCV Section <http://www.ieee.org/scv/> Past Chair / IEEE-CNSV
<http://www.CaliforniaConsultants.org> Board Director
IEEE Silicon Valley Tech History Committee
<http://www.SiliconValleyHistory.com/> Vice-Chair
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