[SIGCIS-Members] Quick historical inquiry

Susannah Glickman susannah.glickman at gmail.com
Wed Jun 19 06:58:40 PDT 2024

Thanks so much Cyrus, Mai and others—this is all super helpful! 

> On Jun 18, 2024, at 4:54 PM, Mai Sugimoto <nix.pura at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Susannah,
> They might be of your interest:
> Otani, T. "Technology Transfer as a Dialogical Process Crossing the Pacific Ocean:Sony's Transistor Technology Transfer"
> https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/historiascientiarum/26/2/26_112/_article/-char/ja
> Otani, T. "The Role of Visual Communication in the Technology Transfer of the Transistor from the U.S. to Japan: The Case of Sony" (in Japanese)
> https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jjsts/17/0/17_1/_article/-char/ja
> Best,
> Mai
> -----
> Mai Sugimoto
> Professor
> Faculty of Sociology
> Kansai University, Japan
> msgmt at kansai-u.ac.jp <mailto:msgmt at kansai-u.ac.jp>
> 2024年6月19日(水) 0:05 Susannah Glickman via Members <members at lists.sigcis.org <mailto:members at lists.sigcis.org>>:
>> Dear all, 
>> I am passing on a question I could not answer from my mentor Richard John: 
>> “Is there any reliable historical writing (in English or any other language—eg Japanese) on the influence of U. S. anti-trust policy on the adoption of the transistor by the Japanese computer electronics industry in the 1950s? 
>> Though Bell began to license its transistor patent before the 1956 U. S. Justice Department consent decree—recent legal scholars have attributed great significance to that ruling in shaping the future course of consumer electronics”
>> Richard R. John, rrj2115 at columbia.edu <mailto:rrj2115 at columbia.edu>
>> All the best,
>> Susannah 
>> --
>> Susannah E. Glickman
>> Assistant Professor
>> Department of History
>> Stony Brook University
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