[SIGCIS-Members] New books announcement!

Meg Leta Jones Meg.Jones at georgetown.edu
Fri Jul 26 09:15:44 PDT 2024

Happy summer friends!
I've got two new books that I'm very happy to share with this community,
which has been important to the development of both:

*The Character of Consent: The History of Cookies and Future of Technology
Policy <https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262547949/the-character-of-consent/>*
from MIT Press tells the history of digital consent through the lens of the
familiar cookie.

*Feminist Cyberlaw
<https://www.ucpress.edu/book/9780520388543/feminist-cyberlaw> *from
University of California Press is an edited volume exploring how gender,
race, sexuality,  disability + class shape cyberspace and the laws that
govern it.

Please consider taking a look as you dust off those syllabi or cram in a
bit more poolside reading.


Meg Leta Jones, J.D., Ph.D.

Provost's Distinguished Associate Professor

Communication, Culture & Technology  <https://cct.georgetown.edu/>

Center for Digital Ethics <https://digitalethics.georgetown.edu/> Founding

Ethics Lab <https://ethicslab.georgetown.edu/> Faculty Fellow

Science, Technology, & International Affairs
<https://sfs.georgetown.edu/academics/undergraduate/majors/stia/> Core

Institute for Technology Law & Policy
<https://www.law.georgetown.edu/tech-institute/> Faculty Advisor

Georgetown University

Meg.Jones at Georgetown.edu

MegLeta.com <http://megleta.com/>

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