[SIGCIS-Members] Help for sources

Jonathan Coopersmith j-coopersmith at tamu.edu
Mon Jul 17 16:03:59 PDT 2023

You may want to contact Don Gilman, developer of the Harpoon game who can
talk to you about H3MilSim.  https://youtu.be/L7Q-KnniZLU
 and txaggiese at gmail.com.

Stay sane,


Jonathan Coopersmith
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science

Professor Emeritus
Department of History
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX  77843-4236
979.739.4708 (cell)

"Technological obsolescence,
National Academy of Engineering *Perspectives* May 23, 2023

It's taking longer to vote - especially if you are Black or Hispanic
, theconversation.com

Preserving space archives:  https://www.toboldlypreserve.space/

*FAXED.  The Rise and Fall of the Fax Machine* (Johns Hopkins University

On Sun, Jul 16, 2023 at 11:09 AM gregorio magnanego gatell via Members <
members at lists.sigcis.org> wrote:

> Hello, I'm a History of Science PhD researcher of the Universitat Autónoma
> de Barcelona interested in the history of video games in the 90s. My thesis
> is focused on the relationship between the USA industry of games and the
> commercialization
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> Hello,
> I'm a History of Science PhD researcher of the Universitat Autónoma de
> Barcelona interested in the history of video games in the 90s. My thesis is
> focused on the relationship between the USA industry of games and the
> commercialization of video games in Spain from 1993 to 2001 (first
> generation of 3D graphics). In the last times, I'm researching the
> connections of the entertainment world and the Department of Defense of the
> USA. I found the document "Modeling & Simulation Master Plan" (DOD, 1995),
> about the development and administration of modeling and simulation
> technology (VR, 3D graphics, IA...) for the army (with objectives of
> training, planification and weapons control). Also, I'm studying the
> approximation of Defense and Entertainment in the workshop of Illinois in
> 1997 "Modeling and simulation: linking Entertainment and Defense".
> If anybody of you could inform me of any source that you consider relevant
> for the study of these topics, in particular regard to the Spanish case, I
> would be very grateful.
> Thanks for your time.
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