[SIGCIS-Members] Help for sources

gregorio magnanego gatell gregoriomagnanego at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 16 08:08:15 PDT 2023


I'm a History of Science PhD researcher of the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona interested in the history of video games in the 90s. My thesis is focused on the relationship between the USA industry of games and the commercialization of video games in Spain from 1993 to 2001 (first generation of 3D graphics). In the last times, I'm researching the connections of the entertainment world and the Department of Defense of the USA. I found the document "Modeling & Simulation Master Plan" (DOD, 1995), about the development and administration of modeling and simulation technology (VR, 3D graphics, IA...) for the army (with objectives of training, planification and weapons control). Also, I'm studying the approximation of Defense and Entertainment in the workshop of Illinois in 1997 "Modeling and simulation: linking Entertainment and Defense".
If anybody of you could inform me of any source that you consider relevant for the study of these topics, in particular regard to the Spanish case, I would be very grateful.

Thanks for your time.
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