[SIGCIS-Members] Annals Oct-Dec Table of Contents

James Cortada jcortada at umn.edu
Sun Dec 3 13:30:06 PST 2023

Congratulations to all involved.  This issue represents about 110%
absolutely new information--that is hard to accomplish.  Jim

On Sun, Dec 3, 2023 at 2:49 PM David Hemmendinger via Members <
members at lists.sigcis.org> wrote:

>         We are pleased to announce this special issue.
>           David Hemmendinger, Editor
> Histories of Computing in Oceania, Guest Editors' Introduction,
>         Sebastian K. Boell and Janet M. Toland
> The Modern History of ICT in Oceania-PEACESAT and USPNet
>         Rieko Hayakawa, Robert Underwood, and Jennifer Anson
> Computing Technologies for Resilience, Sustainability, and Resistance
>         Petera Hudson, Hemi Whaanga, and Te Taka Keegan
> Educational Computers in New Zealand Schools: 1977 to 1983
>         Alastair Nisbet
> Trevor Pearcey and the Development of CSIRAC-An Australian First-Generation
>         Computer, Barbara Ainsworth
> Biography:
>         Monte  Sala's Cryptographic Achievements, T. Alex Reid
> Anecdotes:
>         Computer Networking Initiatives in One of the World's Remote Cities
>             T. Alex Reid
>         Tracing the Origins of the First Soviet Computers, Beyond Legends
>             Giovanni A. Cignoni and Sergei P. Prokhorov
> Events and Sightings:
>         Opening of the Bob Doran Museum of Computing
>             Brian E. Carpenter
>         Capturing an Oral History of Computing in Australia,
>             Sebastian K. Boell and Peter Thorne
>         Documenting CAD History With CHM's Software Industry Special
>             Interest Group David Brock
> Interview:
>         Oral History of Rodney Brooks, Hansen Hsu
> Think Piece:
>         Dissecting Data: History of Data as History of the Body, Andrew S.
> Lea
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James W. Cortada
Senior Research Fellow
Charles Babbage Institute
University of Minnesota
jcortada at umn.edu
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