[SIGCIS-Members] Pix: Insight Computer Center, Chatham NY

Schmitt, Martin martin.schmitt at tu-darmstadt.de
Sun Aug 29 04:27:16 PDT 2021

Thank you for sharing this. A nice walk through the history of computing. And the Cray supercomputer is the only thing framed!
Among the computer games I found the game „Robotron 2084“. I did not know that this game existed as it was the brand name of the biggest computer producer of the GDR, Robotron: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VEB_Robotron This is funny, because Robotron always faced criticism for copying IBM products and disregarding intellectual property. That the game seems to be inspired by Orwells Nighteen Eighty-Four might hint to a intention behind the title…

Talking about computer games and GDR, I wanted to draw your attention to a documentary recently published on gaming in the GDR. The French Chanel gTV produced a short documentary and I was happy to provide some insights to the history of computing in East Germany. The documentary "Jeux sur écoute : les joueurs en Allemagne de l'Est - STORIES - gTV“ is in English and German with French subtitles. Enjoy and press Play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeVIAMtAPEY Let me know what you think about it!

Best wishes from Darmstadt, Germany

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter | Post-Doc | digital enthusiast

Technische Universität Darmstadt
Institut für Geschichte
Fachgebiet Technikgeschichte

Mail: martin.schmitt at tu-darmstadt.de<mailto:martin.schmitt at tu-darmstadt.de>
Tel: +49  6151-16-57327


Assoziierter Wissenschaftler

Vice Chair IFIP WG 9.7 „History of computing"

Zuletzt erschienen: Leslie, Christopher und Martin Schmitt (eds.): Histories of Computing in Eastern Europe, Cham: Springer International Publishing 2019 (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 549), https://www.springer.com/978-3-030-29159-4

Am 27.08.2021 um 09:06 schrieb Joly MacFie <joly at punkcast.com<mailto:joly at punkcast.com>>:

Yesterday, while driving in midstate NY, and in need of an audio cable, I stumbled into this storefront. The helpful proprietor rummaged in the back and came up with what I needed. He disappeared at some length for some change for my proffered $20. This gave me the opportunity to peruse his "Computer Museum".


I'm afraid in a couple of them you do see the audio cable I was holding.

Joly MacFie  +12185659365
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