[SIGCIS-Members] Interfaces: Essays and Reviews in Computing and Culture (CFP)

Jeffrey Yost yostx003 at umn.edu
Thu May 14 14:23:10 PDT 2020

Dear Colleagues,

Want to announce a new journal and its call:


*Interfaces: Essays and Reviews in Computing and Culture*

*General Call for Submissions *
*(Short Essays and Review Essays)*

The Charles Babbage Institute for Computing, Information, and Culture (CBI)
is launching a new eJournal.  It is entitled *Interfaces: Essays and
Reviews in Computing and Culture*.  It will have a continuous publication
model with publication date for each essay/article (no waiting in queue)
and push email to subscribers (and volumes by calendar year).* Interfaces
will exclusively publish short essay articles (1,500 to 3,000 words) and
review essays (books, film, physical/virtual exhibits, other media) on
computer/software/internet studies.*  *Interfaces* will be co-edited by CBI
Director Jeffrey Yost and CBI Archivist Amanda Wick.  The editors are
especially interested in content connecting the history of computing/IT
studies with contemporary social, cultural, political, legal, economic, and
environmental issues--e.g. essays on gender, race, class, users, human
computer interaction, identity, labor, gaming, automation, capitalism,
inequality, AI, algorithmic thinking, local or global environmental
ecosystems, law/criminal justice, cryptocurrencies, security, leisure, and
privacy.  It, however, is not limited to these (any computing history or
historically  grounded or contextualized IT studies topics/themes are in

The journal seeks to be an interface between disciplines in the humanities,
social sciences, and sciences/medicine (including/especially CS, HCI,
information science, and sciences of the artificial); as well as an
interface between academic and broader audiences--our reasoning for keeping
essays short, strongly encouraging use of images (CBI has thousands
digitized and online, and more than 150,000 overall), being timely (quick
response, relatively rapid submission to publication), and pushing for
highly accessible writing. Types of* computing history/IT studies essays*
could include (but definitely are not limited to):

   -  Essays connecting historical literature (your work and/or that of
   others) to contemporary societal issues
   -  Essays presenting a case history/study you developed that resonated
   with students
   -  Editorial-style essay that draws from history or makes fundamental
   historical connections
   -  Review essay on two or more books on a topic/theme
   -  Review essay on film, museum exhibit/virtual exhibit, gaming, art,
   music, or other media
   -  Essays on imaginative literature, science fiction
   -  Essays on historiography and/or archival theory
   -  Essays on social, cultural, or economic theory

CBI is a leading archives and research institute, and for decades has
hosted web publications, including serials of our own (we are experienced
in archiving and providing access to digital content over the very long

*To submit *to* Interfaces: *Send a Word file (1,500 words to 3,000 words)
of your essay, which includes a bibliography/sources at the end (bib.,
image captions, and 75 word or shorter bio, do not count to word maximum).
Authors should use in-text parenthetical cites (MLA) with no
footnotes/endnotes/note text. Essays should be broadly accessible and seek
to avoid, or greatly limit, disciplinary jargon (and if used, done
sparingly and clearly defined). Authors retain copyright and only sign a
license form allowing *Interfaces* to publish (and the journal is open/free
access). Send to Jeffrey Yost (yostx003 at umn.edu), Amanda Wick (
abwick at umn.edu), or the general email cbi at umn.edu
Authors are strongly encouraged to touch base with Jeffrey or Amanda for
feedback on an essay idea, but this is not required and if you prefer, you
can just send a submission.


With it being continuous publication, and to kick it off, I wrote an essay
(PDF is attached--journal will present in both a mobile optimized web
version and PDF) entitled "Where Dinosaurs Roam and Programmers Play:
Reflections on Infrastructure, Maintenance, and Inequality." PDF attached
and Web version and PDF link at https://justcode.cbi.umn.edu/interfaces

If you are not already, Amanda and I encourage signing on to CBI's email
list. To be added to our email list which includes Interfaces
notifications, simply email cbi at umn.edu with "subscribe" in the subject line

We hope you will consider submitting a short essay to this new publication
(articles are reviewed by editors), and/or encourage colleagues to do so.
Please forward to potentially interested people. Please email us with any

Best, Jeff

Jeffrey R. Yost, Ph.D.
Director, Charles Babbage Institute
Research Professor, Program in the History of Science, Technology, and

222  21st Avenue South
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455

612 624 5050 Phone
612 625 8054 Fax
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