[SIGCIS-Members] Original manual printed in 1974 for OEP systems
Murray Turoff
murray.turoff at gmail.com
Sat Feb 18 14:30:45 PST 2017
Peggy this is the link to the collection of software used by the office of
emergency preparedness in the executive office of the president to handle
various functions.
EMISARI was developed to handle the 1971 wage price freeze and has
extensive message
capabilities in an integrated systems that had many features found in
current social systems.
In 1973 Nixon terminated the OEP and OST and sent the emergency management
functions to GSA and this software was in use there till about 1985.
This is part of a collection out of the NJIT library.
which is a collection of all the research reports of the NJIT EIES systems
(electronic Information Exchange System) financed by NSF and which is
probably the fist ever social network system and which had the ability
besides the general features to create specialized Computer Mediated
Communication Structures for different groups on the system. The first
objective was to allow invisible colleges of professionals to improve their
ability to advance their research.
The above manual is at the end of this list of research reports generated
by the early work of CCCC
*please send messages to murray.turoff at gmail.com <murray.turoff at gmail.com>
do not use @njit.edu <http://njit.edu> addressDistinguished Professor
EmeritusInformation Systems, NJIThomepage: http://is.njit.edu/turoff
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