[SIGCIS-Members] Recent Posts

Pierre MOUNIER-KUHN mounier at msh-paris.fr
Sat Feb 18 04:54:50 PST 2017

Hi Peggy, 

On the other side of the Atlantic, Gerard Le Lann, who worked at Stanford with Vint Cerf on the Arpanet, has kept several prints of electronic messages, particularly between Vint Cerf and Leonard Kleinrock, dated 1973-1974. 
It should be possible, too, to find similar emails that were exchanged on the Cyclades network (which was terminated in 1977), or even earlier on the internal GE time-sharing systems, for example between software developers between Boston and Paris. 


Pierre Mounier-Kuhn 
CNRS & Université Paris-Sorbonne 

De: "Kidwell, Peggy" <kidwellp at si.edu> 
À: members at lists.sigcis.org 
Envoyé: Vendredi 17 Février 2017 14:41:13 
Objet: [SIGCIS-Members] Recent Posts 

I’m intrigued by recent messages concerning early electronic messages. Should anyone have examples of such messages and related software, I’d be delighted to consider them for the Smithsonian collections (complementing the materials elsewhere that Janet and others have used). 

Also, on the book and movie Hidden Figures , two recent blogs might be of interest: 


http://americanhistory.si.edu/blog/hidden-figures . 

Best - 

Peggy Kidwell 

Curator of Mathematics 

Address for US Mail: 

MRC 671, National Museum of American History 

Smithsonian Institution 

P.O. Box 37012 

Washington, DC 20013-7012 

Address for UPS or FedEx: 

MRC 671, National Museum of American History 

Smithsonian Institution 

12 th St. and Constitution Ave. 

Washington, DC 20560 

Email: kidwellp at si.edu 

Telephone: 202-633-3828 

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