[SIGCIS-Members] Recent Posts

Kidwell, Peggy kidwellp at si.edu
Fri Feb 17 05:41:13 PST 2017

I’m intrigued by recent messages concerning early electronic messages.  Should anyone have examples of such messages and related software, I’d be delighted to consider them for the Smithsonian collections (complementing the materials elsewhere that Janet and others have used).

Also, on the book and movie Hidden Figures, two recent blogs might be of interest:

Best -

Peggy Kidwell
Curator of Mathematics
Address for US Mail:
MRC 671, National Museum of American History
Smithsonian Institution
P.O. Box 37012
Washington, DC 20013-7012
Address for UPS or FedEx:
MRC 671, National Museum of American History
Smithsonian Institution
12th St. and Constitution Ave.
Washington, DC 20560
Email: kidwellp at si.edu<mailto:kidwellp at si.edu>
Telephone: 202-633-3828

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