[SIGCIS-Members] Lo and Behold, new movie

Müggenburg Jan jan.mueggenburg at univie.ac.at
Mon Sep 5 01:37:16 PDT 2016

Hi Yarden,

there are a few documentaries that include interviews with protagonist from ‚Second Order Cybernetics‘ (unfortunately they are not particularly good ones):

Das Netz. Dir.: Lutz Dambeck, Germany 2003, 120 Min.

It includes interviews with Heinz von Foerster, Stewart Brand an others. Unfortunately Dambeck creates some kind of a conspiracy theory on how cybernetics infiltrated postmodern society. Large parts of the movie are dedicated to the story of Ted Kaczynski aka The Unabomber. This one is on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHxRuLT4FIE

Monte Grande: What is Life? Dr.: Franz Reichle, Switzerland 2004, 80 Min.

This movie deals with the life and philosophy of Francisco Varela. It includes interviews with Jean Pieree Dupuy, Heinz von Foerster, Humberto Maturana and of course Varela himself.

An Ecology of Mind. Dr.: Nora Bateson, Canada 2011, 60 Min.

A „filmic protrait" of Gregory Bateson. It basically features interviews with the whole Bateson-Family (and also with Stewart Brand).


Am 03.09.2016 um 19:20 schrieb Yarden Katz <yarden.katz at gmail.com<mailto:yarden.katz at gmail.com>>:

On a loosely related note, are there good documentary films you'd recommend about the origin and influence of cybernetics?

Jan Mueggenburg
E-Mail: mueggenburg at leuphana.de<mailto:mueggenburg at leuphana.de>

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