[SIGCIS-Members] Importance of history to practitioners

Dave Walden dave.walden.family at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 08:19:19 PST 2016

I don't remember if the following has been mentioned on this list or not.
If it is unlikely that a university course of study for computer science 
will be changed to include history, I wonder if some computing history 
could be done in informal intersession courses (e.g., 
http://web.mit.edu/IAP/) or through a lunch-hour seminar series.  Also, 
in these days of on-line video courses, maybe one initial computing 
history course could be developed that is then available to students 
everywhere; no doubt such videos already exist.  If there were a list of 
the good ones by topic, perhaps the professor for a particular technical 
course could refer the students to the relevant video in case the 
students want to watch it.

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