[SIGCIS-Members] Call for Ideas!

Dick van Lente dick.vanlente at eur.nl
Tue Aug 23 09:07:29 PDT 2016

take a look at Van der Vleuten and Kaijser, Networking Europe; and other work of these authors. dick
From: Members [members-bounces at lists.sigcis.org] on behalf of mariann unterluggauer [mariann at nomatic.org]
Sent: 23 August 2016 12:35
To: members at lists.sigcis.org
Subject: Re: [SIGCIS-Members] Call for Ideas!

On 22 Aug 2016, at 22:20, Dag Spicer <dspicer at computerhistory.org> wrote:

> Can anyone suggest some canonical and effective texts in Infrastructure Studies?

i am not sure what you are exactly looking for. so i just can recommend some "canonical" search options:

the terena papers are helpful, imho. https://www.terena.org/publications/
(i am thankful that  they didn't erase the url when uniting with géant)

 - oecd reports are another good source & as well as digging: bookshop.europe.eu

all the best,
> Thanks!
> Dag
> --
> Dag Spicer
> Senior Curator
> Computer History Museum
> Editorial Board, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
> 1401 North Shoreline Boulevard
> Mountain View, CA 94043-1311
> Tel: +1 650 810 1035
> Fax: +1 650 810 1055
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