[SIGCIS-Members] Good video on history of the Internet?

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Sun Nov 8 09:17:27 PST 2015

This reminds me that I have, buried deep somewhere, a Vint 'Past, Present &
Future' presentation at NYU in 1999. He did a pretty good job  as I recall.
​I'll have a look for it.


On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 11:47 AM, Luke Fernandez <luke.fernandez at gmail.com>

> When I finish the HTML component of an intro Web programming class I show
> this 10 minute interview with Robert Cailliau (Tim Berners Lee's colleague)
> in his CERN offices:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2GylLq59rI
> The video is conducted by Chuck Severance (among other things former E.D.
> of the open source Sakai LMS project) and includes footage of Cailliau
> gesturing at the Unix server that hosted the original WWW with a sticker
> that says "This machine is a server do not power down!,"  an animated
> debate between Severance and Callliau about the merits and demerits of
> HTML, and Cailliau finally declaring that HTML had "spread like a virus
> beyond repair"  (my paraphrase).    I use the video to spark a discussion
> that broaches (among other things) the following questions:
>    1.
>    Robert Caillau video “Does the origin and history of the development
>    of the internet have any impact on your experience of the internet as a
>    developer and as an end-user?  If so, how?
>    1.
>       Was the original WWW envisioned as a community of producers and
>       consumers? What happened to that vision?
>       2.
>       Are we still dealing with any relics from the early Web?
>       3.
>       Were the origins of the Web humble? What in the video suggests that
>       they were? What is the significance of CERN? What role did CERN play in the
>       development of the WWW?
>       4.
>       Does the best technology float to the top?  Why didn’t TBLee’s
>       browser become successfull?
>       5.
>       Have we come full circle?  Has TBLee's vision for the Web been
>       realized?
>       6.
>       Why does Cailliau describe HTML as something that spread like a
>       virus?
> Hope this helps,
> Luke Fernandez
> lfernandez.org
> On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 8:57 AM, Edwin L. Whitman <edwinlwhitman at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Bill,
>> A good introduction to the history of the Internet would consider its
>> roots in counterculture (for reference: Fred Turner’s From Counterculture
>> to Cyberculture) and libertarianism pathos of the 1960s which rejected
>> state control and censorship. The BBC has put together a good television
>> series called The Virtual Revolution that best fits what you said you are
>> looking for and considers these important themes. Here’s another good
>> one—clear and informative.
>> Not to state the obvious, sort your keyword searches by view count and
>> make sure to read the reviews. There’s a reason some videos have 300 views
>> and others have 3,000,000...
>> I think a general, introductory lesson on the Internet would be more
>> interesting and informative for your students if you taught and explored
>> certain concepts central to the digital web experience, like HTTP, TCP/IP,
>> DOM, HTML/CSS. There are accessible, succinct shorts that Harvard’s intro
>> course CS50 has put together for its web development unit, which are freely
>> accessible on YouTube. By understanding ports/addresses/requests and
>> looking under the hood of your browser (Chrome->right click on
>> page->Inspect Element) you can introduce your students to some key that
>> technologies connect users of the internet together.
>> Best,
>> Ned
>> > On Nov 7, 2015, at 11:29 AM, McMillan, William W <
>> william.mcmillan at cuaa.edu> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hello, SIGCIS.
>> >
>> > Can you recommend a video on the history of the Internet that is
>> available online?
>> >
>> > This is for a general education, freshman-level class Foundations of
>> Computer Science.
>> >
>> > I'd prefer one that is no more than 30 minutes long, or that would
>> still be interesting if only a 30-min segment were viewed.
>> >
>> > Thanks!
>> >
>> > Bill
>> >
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Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
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