[SIGCIS-Members] Good video on history of the Internet?

Alex Ramirez AlexRamirez at CUNET.CARLETON.CA
Sat Nov 7 08:35:31 PST 2015


In my intro to ICT in business I used until recently a 13 minutes video available in YouTUBE called 24 hours in cyberspace, that showcases the emergence of the World Wide Web,

A. Ramirez

> On Nov 7, 2015, at 11:29 AM, McMillan, William W <william.mcmillan at cuaa.edu> wrote:
> Hello, SIGCIS.
> Can you recommend a video on the history of the Internet that is available online?
> This is for a general education, freshman-level class Foundations of Computer Science.
> I'd prefer one that is no more than 30 minutes long, or that would still be interesting if only a 30-min segment were viewed.
> Thanks!
> Bill
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