[SIGCIS-Members] Inquiry

Daniel Ferrell returnofjayhawk at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 11 11:41:41 PDT 2015

Fellow members of SIGCIS:   My name is Daniel Ferrell, and I am an independent researcher with no institutional affiliation. I am currently writing a book that incorporates the history of technology. I have also quickly discovered that such an effort (for me) relies heavily upon source material. I'm a college graduate, so I know the basic principles of source citation; but it seems historical writing is a bit unique. For example, I have found that if I were to include source citations for each line of material gained, my footnotes would clutter up every single page. Therefore I reasoned that I should opt for end notes or a works cited page at the end of each chapter. However, any writer wants to stay far away from the charge of plagiarism; so I am trying to discover the best way to write that honors source material, but doesn't bog readers down with a footnote for every line. Knowing that several of you are authors in your own right, I value your input on this matter.

-Daniel Ferrell
Home Acceptance Corporation (NMLS #1151715). 
65 S. Outer Rd.
P.O. Box 72
Benton, MO 63736 		 	   		  
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