[SIGCIS-Members] Mahoney Prize - submissions due April 15

Andrew Russell arussell at stevens.edu
Sun Mar 29 07:45:06 PDT 2015


As a reminder, 2015 marks the first time that a new prize, the Mahoney Prize, will be awarded.  Please see below for details.

Since this is the first time the prize has been offered, I hope that you all can help spread the word about it - especially to scholars whose work connects to the history of computing and IT (broadly conceived), but who might not identify as part of the SIGCIS or SHOT community.  If you have ideas about mailing lists (etc.) where we should post this announcement, please let me know.

And, of course, I encourage all of you to submit your own work or nominate other articles that you think deserves consideration!

Thanks very much,



The Mahoney Prize recognizes an outstanding article in the history of computing and information technology, broadly conceived. The Mahoney Prize commemorates the late Princeton scholar Michael S. Mahoney, whose profound contributions to the history of computing came from his many articles and book chapters. The prize consists of a $500 award and a certificate. For the inaugural 2015 prize, articles published in the preceding three years (2012, 2013, and 2014) are eligible for nomination. The Mahoney Prize is awarded by the Special Interest Group in Computers, Information, and Society (SIGCIS) and is presented during the annual meeting of our parent group, the Society for the History of Technology.

The deadline for submission (electronic submissions preferred) to all three Prize Committee members is April 15, 2015. For more information, please visit http://www.sigcis.org/mahoneyprize or contact the 2015 Mahoney Prize Committee Chair Prof. Jennifer Light, jslight at mit.edu<mailto:jslight at mit.edu>.

2015 Mahoney Prize Committee:

Ross Bassett (term ends 2015)
Associate Professor of History
Director, Benjamin Franklin Scholars
Department of History Box 8108
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695
ross at ncsu.edu<mailto:ross at ncsu.edu>

Jennifer S. Light, Chair (term ends 2016)
Professor of Science, Technology, and Society
Professor of Urban Studies and Planning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave., E51-173
Cambridge, MA 02139
jslight at mit.edu<mailto:jslight at mit.edu>

James Cortada (term ends 2017)
Charles Babbage Institute
University of Minnesota
2917 Irvington Way
Madison, Wisconsin 53713
jcortada at umn.edu<mailto:jcortada at umn.edu>

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