[SIGCIS-Members] Charles Babbage Institute --> announces Cortada appointment

Janet Abbate abbate at vt.edu
Wed Jan 2 06:03:41 PST 2013

Great news! I look forward to seeing Jim next time I'm out there.

On Jan 1, 2013, at 3:41 PM, Thomas J. Misa wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> Happy New Years!  We at CBI are pleased to announce that Jim Cortada will join us for a three-year term as Senior Research Fellow, effective today, January 1st.
> SIGCIS members will know Jim as the author of numerous notable works in the history of computing, most recently his _Digital Flood: The Diffusion of Information Technology across the United States, Europe, and Asia_ (Oxford UP 2012).  Jim is recently retired from a long and productive career at IBM.  We are very pleased to facilitate his ongoing research in the history of information technology, and we hope to draw on Jim's wide-ranging professional, scholarly, and publishing experiences in further developing our field.
> At CBI, we already are the beneficiaries of Jim's extensive collecting of primary and secondary source materials.  These can be found in James W. Cortada Papers (CBI 185) at <http://purl.umn.edu/40884>.  Detailed keyword searches can be done at <http://discover.lib.umn.edu/findaid/> on all of CBI's archival collections.  There are many gems waiting for you.
> You can find a short biography at <http://www.cbi.umn.edu/about/cortada.html>.  And you can contact Jim at <jcortada at umn.edu>.
> Welcome Jim !!
> Tom Misa
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