[SIGCIS-Members] tips for a course on the cultural history and theory of programming?

Bernard Dionysius Geoghegan bernardgeoghegan2010 at u.northwestern.edu
Thu Jul 12 09:01:10 PDT 2012

Dear Sigcis folks,

I'm teaching a course in Berlin this fall on the cultural history and theory of programming. I'm drawing heavily on recent work in software studies, platform studies, literary theory, and German media theory (Kittler, etc.). Some of our friends and family -- Ensmenger, Kelty, etc -- will also feature prominently. As a tendency, however, the approach is little more cultural studies and poststructural than some of what often takes place in our group. The course also features a heavy programming component (that is, we're writing programs in Perl). I've posted a very early, rough draft of the syllabus here http://bernardg.com/node/67 . Does anyone have suggestions for other texts I should consider? If so, I would welcome your emails at my new address, geoghegb at cms.hu-berlin.de or via the list. I will collate responses, in the event I get more than a few comments. Thanks for your thoughts.


Bernard Dionysius Geoghegan
Institut für Kulturwissenschaft
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


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