[SIGCIS-Members] Fwd: Grady Booch's new project, "Computing; the Human Experience"

Andrew Russell arussell at stevens.edu
Sat Dec 3 07:09:49 PST 2011

Hi everyone - 

Some of you might have already seen this message posted to Dave Farber's IP list yesterday.  It looks like a fascinating project, and, even better, it looks like CHM has a prominent role in its direction.  I wonder if anyone from CHM who is on the list (Dag? Alex?) could say more about it?



Begin forwarded message:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mary Shaw <mary.shaw at cs.cmu.edu>
> To: Dave Farber <dave at farber.net>
> Sent: Fri, 02 Dec 2011 2:47 PM
> Subject: For IP: Grady Booch's new project, "Computing; the Human Experience"
> Dave,
> I'd like to call IP readers' attention to Grady Booch's new project, 
> "Computing: The Human Experience". Grady is an IBM Fellow and Chief 
> Scientist at IBM research; I have held him in high regard for many years. 
> Grady has now turned his attention to interpreting computing to the 
> public at large. He's developing a project in a variety of media, aiming 
> to explain not only the technology but also how it affects everyone and 
> how individuals following their own passions have shaped it. Think Carl 
> Sagan's Cosmos, but for computing.
> The project is at http://computingthehumanexperience.com/public/
> Grady is currently raising seed funding through Kickstarter, 
> http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1747241049/computing-a-documentary-of-the-human-experience
> In his description there, he says,
> "Computing is a story of ambition, passion, invention, creativity, 
> vision, avarice, and serendipity, powered by a refusal to accept the 
> limits of our bodies and our minds. From the abacus to the iPad, from 
> Gutenberg to Google, from Enigma to GPS, we have created computers to 
> count the uncountable, remember beyond our own experiences, and see the 
> invisible as well as the unforeseeable. To explore computing is the 21st 
> Century equivalent of Cousteau exploring the sea, of Hughes exploring 
> modern art, and of Burns exploring the American experience through the 
> Civil War, baseball, and jazz. "
> There's an e-week article at 
> http://www.eweek.com/c/a/IT-Infrastructure/IBM-Chief-Scientist-to-Launch-TV-Series-on-Computing-340515/
> and an InfoQ article at
> http://www.infoq.com/news/2011/12/booch-tv
> I have the great good fortune to serve on the advisory board for the 
> project, and I thnk IP'ers will be interested in following its progress.
> Mary Shaw
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