[SIGCIS-Members] CHM needs I-mode phone

Alex Bochannek bochannek at computerhistory.org
Thu Oct 14 00:40:18 PDT 2010

Thanks for bringing this up, Evan!

When I discussed the Revolution exhibition at the Tacoma workshop a couple of weeks ago, I did indeed miss the opportunity to mention that we are still looking for a small number of artifacts for exhibit. They are mostly in the mobile computing and networking area and the list can be found at <http://www.computerhistory.org/artifactdonation/#stepOne> 

One item that is not on the list, but which I hope to acquire is a Comdyna GP-6 analog computer. As some of you may know, the GP-6 was manufactured until a few years ago and a number of them are still in use in universities’ control systems labs. As opposed to the artifacts linked to above, this device would be used as part of our education program. I would be grateful for any pointers towards a GP-6 (or equivalent) system.


Alex Bochannek

Computer History Museum
1401 N. Shoreline Blvd
Mountain View, CA 94043

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