[SIGCIS-Members] Special Interest Group in user interface history @ CHI2008 in Florence

Anker Helms Jørgensen anker at itu.dk
Fri Feb 29 06:23:52 PST 2008

Dear Colleagues.

Its a pleasure to announce a Special Interest Group in User Interface 
History at the HCI Conference CHI’2008 in Florence, April 5-10, 2008.

This Special Interest Group will investigate the possibilities 
of launching a concerted effort towards creating a History of User 
Interfaces. It takes place on Thursday April 10th from 11.30 to 13.00. 
Brad Myers from Carnegie-Mellon University is co-organizer.

The CHI conference is the leading HCI conference. It is expected to 
attract about 2000 HCI people from academia and industry, see 

I don’t expect many historians of computing to attend, but if you 
happened to be in the neighbourhood ...

The 4-page description of the Special Interest Group can be downloaded 

The SIG welcomes anyone with an interest in the History of User 
Interfaces and Human-Computer Interaction, including, but not limited 
  - pioneers and innovators that may provide insights on visions
    and driving forces behind their work,
  - interface developers that may report on the context of their work,
  - HCI scholars with a historical bent, and
  - historians of computing that may provide historical theory and 

Best wishes - Anker Helms Jorgensen

Anker Helms Jorgensen
Associate Professor, PhD
IT University of Copenhagen
Rued Langgaardsvej 7
DK-2300 Copenhagen S  Denmark
anker at itu.dk  http://www1.itu.dk/sw4489.asp
+45 72 18 50 00

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