<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html charset=utf-8"></head><body style="word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space;" class="">Dear all,<div class=""><br class=""></div><div class="">In preparation for SHOT 2017, we are soliciting papers for an open panel on:</div><div class=""><br class=""></div><div class=""><strong class="" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><u class="">The History of Artificial Intelligence and its Discontents</u></strong></div><div class=""><strong class="" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><u class=""><br class=""></u></strong></div><div class="">With origin myths
involving many of the 20th century’s Great Men of Science and their intimate
relationships with that most revolutionary and profound of transformations—the
emergence of computing—the history of artificial intelligence (AI) has long
been popular fare. Indeed, the field itself is remarkable for its studious
cultivation of its own history, with much of the canon written primarily by AI
insiders and developers themselves (e.g. McCorduck 1979, 2004; Crevier 1992;
Brooks 1999; Boden 2006; Nilsson 2010). Perhaps unsurprisingly, the story they
tell is more often than not a triumphant march of progress towards the current
pinnacle we are standing on today—with a few bumps along the road, thrown in
for good measure. Now that AI is back and booming again today, offering
promises and threats of massive social transformation, this progress narrative
risks becoming a hegemon, legitimating the technological status quo and closing
down opportunities for democratic deliberation about the direction of change.
What possibilities exist for disrupting, destabilizing, and otherwise challenging
the insider’s Whig history of AI? Who and what are AI’s discontents? How have they
challenged, resisted, disrupted, or destabilized AI?</div><div class=""><p class="MsoNormal">Submissions are due before March 31st. Please feel free to
contact me, Colin Garvey <<a href="mailto:garvec@rpi.edu" class="">garvec@rpi.edu</a>> for more information.</p><div class=""><p class="MsoNormal">For more details please see <a href="http://www.historyoftechnology.org/call_for_papers/open_panels.html" class="">http://www.historyoftechnology.org/call_for_papers/open_panels.html</a></p></div>