[SIGCIS-Members] SIGCIS <--> Substack

Roberts, Sarah sarah.roberts at ucla.edu
Wed Sep 25 09:41:11 PDT 2024

I unfortunately refuse to use Substack or subscribe to any of the newsletters therein due to the politics and financial contributions of its owners, but I wish you the best of luck. It seems a loss for SIGCIS.


S a r a h  T.  R o b e r t s,  P h. D.

Faculty Director, UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry | Co-Director, Minderoo Initiative on Technology & Power

Department of Gender Studies
University of California, Los Angeles

Department of Information Studies
School of Education & Information Studies
University of California, Los Angeles

Behind the Screen (Yale University Press)

TO SCHEDULE ONLINE MEETING: https://calendly.com/dr-sarah-t-roberts and choose category

**Please note: I’m increasingly finding email unmanageable. If I don’t respond and your issue is urgent, please resend and indicate that in the subject line. Thank you.

On Sep 25, 2024, at 08:11, Ceruzzi, Paul via Members <members at lists.sigcis.org> wrote:

I have moved my observations on computing history from SIGCIS to Substack. That site seems to be a much better fit for me than other social media, which I have joined and abandoned over the years (AOL IM, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MySpace, Geocities, LinkedIn, and a bunch of others that I have forgotten.).  You might be interested in my latest take on the relations between SIGCIS and SHOT. Comments welcome:

Paul Ceruzzi
Curator Emeritus
National Air and Space Museum
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