[SIGCIS-Members] SIGCIS 2024: Friday lunch registration, book raffle

Morgan G. Ames morganya at berkeley.edu
Wed Jun 26 10:25:02 PDT 2024

Dear SIGCIS community,

If you registered for the SHOT or SIGCIS conference before the *SIGCIS
Friday lunch* option was added, you can now add that here:

If you have not registered yet but would like to, please see the email
below for details on how to do so.

Also, please don't forget to bring books or send them to someone who will
be attending to bring for the annual *SIGCIS raffle*!

We hope to see you in Viña del Mar (or online) on July 14th!


On Mon, Jun 3, 2024 at 12:47 PM Babintseva, Ekaterina via Members <
members at lists.sigcis.org> wrote:

> Dear SIGCIS community,
> This is a reminder to please register for the SIGCIS meeting here
> <https://www.historyoftechnology.org/annual-meeting/2024-joint-icohtec-shot-annual-meeting/registration-information-for-the-joint-meeting-in-chile/>
> if you are planning to attend in person or online.
> To attend the SIGCIS meeting *virtually, *please use the promo code "
> *SIGCIS**S**ONLINE*" (note the extra S at the end of SIGCIS) at the top
> of the registration form. This will make the option for "SIGCIS SUNDAY
> ONLY ONLINE Registration" appear ($30). Please note that only one of the
> SIGCIS conference rooms will be hybrid-enabled.
> If you are *only attending SIGCIS in person and not SHOT*, use the promo
> code "*SIGCISSUNDAY*" at the top of the registration form. This will make
> the option for "SIGCIS SUNDAY ONLY Registration" appear ($100).
> *The meeting program, as well as information about the venue,
> transportation, and raffle books (please bring books or send them with the
> people attending the conference to help us fundraise!),* is now available
> at the updated SIGCIS meeting website.
> <https://meetings.sigcis.org/registration--location.html>
> We look forward to seeing you virtually or in person on July 14!
> Best wishes,
> Katya Babintseva (Purdue)
> Morgan Ames (UC Berkeley)
> Xiaochang Li (Stanford)
> Gili Vidan (Cornell)
> Colette Perold (U-Colorado Boulder)
> _______________________________________________
> This email is relayed from members at sigcis.org, the email discussion
> list of SHOT SIGCIS. Opinions expressed here are those of the member
> posting and are not reviewed, edited, or endorsed by SIGCIS. The list
> archives are at http://lists.sigcis.org/pipermail/members-sigcis.org/ and
> you can change your subscription options at
> http://lists.sigcis.org/listinfo.cgi/members-sigcis.org

Dr. Morgan G. Ames <https://morganya.org> (pronounced "MORE-ghen Aims";
faculty, School of Information <https://www.ischool.berkeley.edu/>, UC
associate director of research, Center for Science, Technology, Medicine
and Society <https://cstms.berkeley.edu>
author of *The Charisma Machine: The Life, Death, and Legacy of One Laptop
per Child <https://morganya.org/charisma/>* (2019, MIT Press
<https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/charisma-machine>) - 2020 Information
Science Book of the Year, 2020 Sally Hacker Prize, 2021 Computer History
Museum Prize

If you need disability accommodations to meet or work with me, please let
me know.

UC Berkeley sits on the territory of xučyun, the ancestral and unceded land
of the Chochenyo speaking Ohlone people, the successors of the sovereign
Verona Band of Alameda County. See https://cejce.berkeley.edu/ohloneland
for more.
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