[SIGCIS-Members] Congratulations to James Cortada

JoAnne Yates jyates at mit.edu
Thu Jul 25 10:51:04 PDT 2024

Indeed, thanks for writing this useful piece, Jim.


Sent from my iPad

On Jul 25, 2024, at 11:24 AM, Jonathan Coopersmith via Members <members at lists.sigcis.org> wrote:

He co-authored a very thoughtful and practical piece in the Chronicle of Higher E

Stay sane,


Jonathan Coopersmith
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science

Professor Emeritus
Department of History
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX  77843-4236
979.739.4708 (cell)

David Thompson, "Commercial Space Trailblazer,<https://aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org/departments/commercial-space-trailblazer/>" Aerospace America June 2024

"Technological obsolescence,<https://www.nationalacademies.org/news/2023/05/technological-obsolescence>" National Academy of Engineering Perspectives May 23, 2023

Preserving space archives:  https://www.toboldlypreserve.space/

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