[SIGCIS-Members] Annals 46(2) available online

Troy Astarte t.k.astarte at swansea.ac.uk
Thu Jul 18 10:15:13 PDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

It is my pleasure to announce the latest issue<https://www.computer.org/csdl/magazine/an/2024/02> of IEEE Annals of the History of Computing is available online. This issue, Logistical Histories of Computing, was edited by Matthew Hockenberry and Miriam Posner. Here’s what you can find inside.

Guest Editors' Introduction
Logistical Histories of Computing
by Matthew Hockenberry, Miriam Posner

From War Crystals to Ordinary Sand: Excavating Silicon Supply Chainsp. 13-23
by Ingrid Burrington

Making Innovation in the Mexican Silicon Valley: The Early Years of El Centro de Tecnología de Semiconductores (1981–2001)
by Verónica Uribe del Águila

Hardware Standardization and State-Socialist Piracy: The Global Reach of the Zilog Z80
by Andrew Lison

The Logistics of Labor and Life at Signetics
by Kyle Stine

My Time With the JFEAC
by Michael Barr

Interview of J. P. (Jack) London
by Jeffrey Yost

Events & Sightings
Computer Pasts/Computer Futures: April 4 2024
by Frances Corry


Dr. Troy Kaighin Astarte (they/them / nhw)

Lecturer, Computer Science / Darlithydd, Cyfrifiadureg
Swansea University / Prifysgol Abertawe
Editor-in-Chief / Prif Olygydd, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

For students: my drop in hours are on the Intranet<https://fse-intranet.swan.ac.uk/intranet/staff_officehours?selected_staff_id=203842> (office CoFo 407)
I fyfyrwyr: mae fy oriau swyddfa ar y fewnrwyd.
Meeting booking: via Office Booking<https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/user/8e101a47e22e4af793d033901758d0e4@Swansea.ac.uk/meetingtype/SVRwCe7HMUGxuT6WGxi68g2?anonymous&ep=mlink>.
Zoom office: https://swanseauniversity.zoom.us/my/t.k.astarte

Every email has a cost to the climate. Please think before sending short emails.
Mae gan bob e-bost gost i’r hinsawdd. Meddyliwch cyn i chi anfon e-byst byr.

Due to RSI sometimes I’ll need to dictate messages and they might come out a bit weird. Thanks for your patience.

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