[SIGCIS-Members] [EXTERN] Permanent academic post in Educational, Historical, and Philosophical Foundations of Computing

Magnus Rust magnus.rust at unibas.ch
Mon Dec 30 00:00:00 PST 2024

Thanks for sending me a message.

All emails will be answered by January 10th. I wish you a good start to the year.


Am 21.08.2023 um 15:26 schrieb Troy Astarte via Members <members at lists.sigcis.org>:

Dear list,

I am happy to announce a new opening for a Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in Educational, Historical, and Philosophical Foundations of Computer Science at Swansea University. Submissions close on 3rd September 2023. See here for more information: https://www.swansea.ac.uk/jobs-at-swansea/current-vacancies/details/?nPostingId=137941&nPostingTargetId=167894&id=QHUFK026203F3VBQB7VLO8NXD

We are looking for a candidate with a strong research background in one or more of these research fields to contribute to our research theme. An ideal candidate has some technical understanding and ability but focuses their research interests strongly on the role of computing in society—perfect for someone from the SIGCIS community. Our ambition is to make Swansea University the best computer science department in the UK for this kind of critical and reflective study of computing.

The Department of Computer Science already benefits from resources like

·      History of Computing Collection
·      Technocamps,

That support our research and education outreach to schools, teachers and the citizens. We also have a diverse group of academics working across all kinds of computer science open to interdisciplinary research opportunities and a very strong School of Culture and Communication elsewhere in the university with a great deal of expertise in the digital media space. Our department has the opportunity to develop and teach material related to the context and impact of computing.

We would be grateful for suggestions for people who might be interested in this opportunity or if you could simply pass this on to people you know who might be interested in applying.

Please feel free to get in touch with one of us if you would like any further information about our programme or have any questions.

Sent on behalf of the Search Committee:

John Tucker    j.v.tucker at swansea.ac.uk
Faron Moller f.g.moller at swansea.ac.uk
Troy Astarte t.k.astarte at swansea.ac.uk

Dr. Troy Kaighin Astarte (they/them / nhw)

Lecturer, Computer Science / Darlithydd, Cyfrifiadureg
Swansea University / Prifysgol Abertawe

For students: my office hours are on the Intranet

I fyfyrwyr: mae fy oriau swyddfa ar y fewnrwyd.

Zoom office: https://swanseauniversity.zoom.us/my/t.k.astarte

Supervision booking: https://doodle.com/bp/troyastarte/supervision

Every email has a cost to the climate. Please think before sending short emails.

Mae gan bob e-bost gost i’r hinsawdd. Meddyliwch cyn i chi anfon e-byst byr.

Due to RSI sometimes I’ll need to dictate messages and they might come out a bit weird. Thanks for your patience.

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