[SIGCIS-Members] The fake chess-playing automaton/the mysterious Peruvian abacus

herbert.bruderer at bluewin.ch herbert.bruderer at bluewin.ch
Thu Aug 8 01:06:02 PDT 2024

Dear all:
To this day, it is unknown how the Inka calculated with their mysterious abacus, the Yupana.
Perhaps of interest to you:
Bruderer, H. (2024). How did the Inka Calculate? The Yupana, a Mysterious Peruvian Abacus.
Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13174318
Bruderer, H. (2024). Yupana, ein rätselhafter peruanischer Abakus. Wie haben die Inka gerechnet?
Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13175212
The fake chess-playing automaton:
Technical Marvels, Part 5: Chess Automatons – Communications of the ACM
Chess robots, from a fake automaton to a world champion-defeating program.
Best wishes,
Herbert Bruderer
Bruderer Informatik
Seehaldenstrasse 26
Postfach 47
CH-9401 Rorschach
Telefon +41 71 855 77 11
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