[SIGCIS-Members] SHOT Cooperative Book Exhibit and Silent Book Auction in Chile

Melanie Swalwell mswalwell at swin.edu.au
Tue Apr 30 18:31:55 PDT 2024

Dear all,

I'm forwarding a message from Amy Bix (the Treasurer of SHOT, SIGCIS's parent body) about the cooperative book exhibit and auction that SHOT are organising for the upcoming annual meeting in Chile. Please send any information regarding books to the SHOT secretary's office at:  SHOT.Secretariat at tue.nl<mailto:SHOT.Secretariat at tue.nl>



SHOT Cooperative Book Exhibit and Silent Book Auction in Chile

Since some publishers will be unable to attend our meeting in Chile, SHOT is organizing a cooperative book exhibit, inviting our members to showcase your exciting scholarship. If you are coming to Chile, you are welcome to bring one copy of your recent book(s), and we will have tables where you can set them out for browsing. If you are not coming to Chile but wish to have a book on display, please feel free to send a copy with a friend who will be attending. Please note that SHOT has a reasonably secure display space but cannot guarantee the security or return of books placed on exhibit tables.
*         If you are bringing a book for this cooperative book exhibit in Chile, we encourage (but do not require) you to please consider donating your book(s) for a silent book auction.
*         All proceeds will go to supporting SHOT's travel-grant programs, REDI initiative, and multiple other society activities.
*         We will set out a bidding sheet for each donated book and invite attendees to enter their bids over the course of the conference.
*         Winners with the highest bid on each book will need to pick up and pay for their book(s) towards the end of the meeting.

If you would like to donate your book(s) for this silent auction, many thanks! Please just bring your book(s) with you to the SHOT Staff, near the registration when you arrive, and we will take care of the rest!

Our Secretariat would love to receive a mail from you, what book you are taking with you for the book table, and whether you want to donate it (to be able to prepare). If you do bring a book and do not want to donate it: we will have a second table separate, specifically for these. But do please add a sticker (or ask us to do so) with "this book is not available for the auction but will be returned to the owner!", or similar.

Please also provide details on where the book can be ordered and we will display that on or near the table!

many thanks!  yours, Amy.

Dr. Amy Bix, Professor of History, Iowa State University, and Treasurer, Society for the History of Technology

Melanie Swalwell
Professor of Digital Media Heritage
Co-Chair, SIGCIS<http://www.sigcis.org/>

Acting Deputy Director
Centre for Transformative Media Technologies
School of Social Sciences, Media, Film and Education
Swinburne University
PO Box 218, Hawthorn Vic 3122 Australia

Tel +61 3 9214 3911
mswalwell at swin.edu.au

Research project websites:

Recent publications:
Collecting, Curating, Preserving, and Researching Digital Media Arts: A good practice report<https://aama.net.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Collecting-curating-preserving-and-researching-media-arts.pdf>
Homebrew Gaming and the Beginnings of Vernacular Digitality<https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/homebrew-gaming-and-beginnings-vernacular-digitality>
Game History and the Local<https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-66422-0>

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