[SIGCIS-Members] Seeking Game History Interviews for Publication in ROMchip

Laine Nooney laine.nooney at gmail.com
Tue Apr 2 12:58:22 PDT 2024


I'm writing in my capacity as the Managing Editor of *ROMchip: A Journal of
Game Histories <https://romchip.org/index.php/romchip-journal>*, to solicit
interviews or oral histories anyone might have which could be suitable for
publication in the journal.

"Interviews" is one of our standard editorial sections, and we are open to
transcripts with folks across the development sector; on the business end;
in journalism, doing modding, repair, emulation and maintenance;
historically-minded interviews with games scholars or theorists; etc. If
you think you have something that might fit, please drop me an email! We're
looking for work to feature in both our July 2024 and our Dec 2024 issues.

And for those interested in other *ROMchip *events and goings-on*: *

   - as a fully independent publication, we're currently in our fundraising
   season, which will culminate on May 11 with a fundraising charity stream on
   Twitch. To become an early donor, check out our fundraising website
   - we'll be hosting a talk with Whit Pow on queer and trans software
   history Friday, April 12; tix here

Game on,

Laine Nooney <http://www.lainenooney.com/>

Assistant Professor |  MCC <http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/mcc/> @ NYU
<http://www.nyu.edu/>  | they/them

-Need to make an appt? Click, don't email: https://bit.ly/2GIHuK0
-Probably typed by voice recognition, so please cherish typos
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