[SIGCIS-Members] DHST Global History of Science and Technology Festival: correction registration link

Mai Sugimoto nix.pura at gmail.com
Sat Sep 23 05:04:04 PDT 2023

Dear colleagues,

Thanks for the correction, Liesbeth!

At the DHST festival, I will be presenting in Session 6. I will not be
speaking on the history of computing in this presentation, but speaking on
behalf of the History of Science Society of Japan and will have about 10
minutes on the history and recent status of the history of science in Japan.
I look forward to seeing you there.

Mai Sugimoto
msgmt at kansai-u.ac.jp

2023年9月22日(金) 1:56 Liesbeth De Mol via Members <members at lists.sigcis.org>:

> Dear colleagues,
> the link we sent earlier today to register directly for the  DHST Global
> History of Science and Technology Festival
> <https://dhst-festival.sciencesconf.org/>does not refer to the correct
> page. Here
> <https://events.zoom.us/ev/AjTIVIBMjUNuKpmFyqBIc2t6H_pG5Jou8iVed-L8RfVQrr9X7JWD~AuiCMOTGLU5jFpStc_-uC7Ut-C7c5r6lpUD7Y4taGorSZ98gRDLHWUXgMA>
> is the correct link.
> Our apologies for any inconveniences caused,
> with best wishes,
> Liesbeth De Mol and Thomás Haddad
> Co-Chairs of the Global HST Festival 2023
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