[SIGCIS-Members] Zuse out in English

Pierre Mounier-Kuhn mounier at msh-paris.fr
Wed Oct 25 14:30:35 PDT 2023

Dear Gerard, 
Congratulations to you and Raúl Rojas for the publication of his Zuse studies. I'm looking forward to reading them. 
I remember the strong impression Konrad Zuse made when he came to Paris in 1990 to chair a session of "my" History of Computing conference at CNAM (and of course tell his own story): "Is this man really "the" Zuse??" - "Why, yes, we have no Ersatz of him, he's unique…". 
Pierre Mounier-Kuhn 

De: "Gerard Alberts via Members" <members at lists.sigcis.org> 
À: "members" <members at lists.sigcis.org> 
Envoyé: Mercredi 25 Octobre 2023 20:14:45 
Objet: [SIGCIS-Members] Zuse out in English 

Dear list members, 
please join me in congratulating Raúl Rojas for the publication of his Zuse studies in English. 
Over the years Raúl Rojas has shared his rich Zuse-scholarship with us, through this book it is now available in one coherent volume. 
We are proud to have [ https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-39876-6 | Konrad Zuse's  early computers; the quest for the computer in Germany ] , in our series [ https://www.springer.com/series/8442 | 
History of Computing ] . 
Gerard Alberts 

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