[SIGCIS-Members] WDPD: Software Preservation and Emulation in Australia
Melanie Swalwell
mswalwell at swin.edu.au
Thu Oct 12 20:55:43 PDT 2023
Please find the link below to the World Digital Preservation Day event run by the AusEaaSI network: Software Preservation and Emulation in Australia: A #WDPD2023 Event.
The Australian Emulation Network (AusEaaSI for short) is a consortium of university researchers, GLAM organisations, and technology providers that received Australian Research Council Linkage Infrastructure funding to roll out shared emulation infrastructure in the form of an EaaSI (Emulation as a Service infrastructure) network and set up a Community of Practice in software preservation.
There are opportunities to join the network as it expands. If you're interested in learning more about the network and the project, we invite you to join us for a one hour session, which will feature researchers and GLAM professionals showing some of their emulation successes. This will be followed by a Question & Answer session. Take the chance to ask your questions of Dr Cynde Moya (Digital Archivist), Prof Melanie Swalwell (Project Leader), and Mr Adam Bell (Partner Investigator, AARNet).
The free event will take place on zoom on Thursday November 2, 2023 at 2pm Melbourne time (AEDT). We hope to see you there!
Register now to attend: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/software-preservation-and-emulation-in-australia-a-wdpd2023-event-tickets-734451352767
Melanie Swalwell
Professor of Digital Media Heritage
Co-Chair, SIGCIS<http://www.sigcis.org/>
Acting Deputy Director
Centre for Transformative Media Technologies
School of Social Sciences, Media, Film and Education
Swinburne University
PO Box 218, Hawthorn Vic 3122 Australia
Tel +61 3 9214 3911
mswalwell at swin.edu.au
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