[SIGCIS-Members] software modernization failures

Roberts, Sarah sarah.roberts at ucla.edu
Mon May 29 22:33:29 PDT 2023

To add to then case studies, the situation with the UK Postal Service and the Fujitsu-developed software, named “Horizon,” led to some postmasters being convicted of theft and embezzlement, and some even ending their own lives, when the faulty software — which Fujitsu knew did not work properly — made it seem that thousands of pounds were missing from numerous postal offices around the country. It is still unresolved, to my knowledge:

Fujitsu: How a Japanese firm became part of the Post Office scandal


I personally often recall the PeopleSoft disaster that took place at the University of Wisconsin about 25 years ago. Considering that these systems are typically sold on a claim that they can reduce personnel overhead and streamline operations — and invariably run millions, if not billions, over and rarely, if ever, are able to deliver the full gamut of features and functionality promised — one must ask just what exactly the point is.

Enriching private corporations from publicly-funded entities seems like one key answer…



S a r a h  T.  R o b e r t s,  P h. D.

Faculty Director, UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry | Co-Director, Minderoo Initiative on Technology & Power

Associate Professor
Department of Gender Studies
University of California, Los Angeles

Department of Information Studies
School of Education & Information Studies
University of California, Los Angeles

Behind the Screen (Yale University Press)

TO SCHEDULE ONLINE MEETING: https://calendly.com/dr-sarah-t-roberts and choose category

**Please note: I’m increasingly finding email unmanageable. If I don’t respond and your issue is urgent, please resend and indicate that in the subject line. Thank you.

On May 29, 2023, at 10:32, Jeffrey Yost via Members <members at lists.sigcis.org> wrote:

Hi Lee,

Do not know if this would be of any interest or use...I wrote a short book chapter case or failure study of the Control Data Corporation's Advanced Logistic System for the USAF--software and real time networked global system. CDC was the main contractor on this system to coordinate all supplies, weapons, personnel, food, medicine, etc. in real time. It would have been the largest logistics system in the world if it worked.

The system never worked in real time, its whole purpose. It was a giant failure, roughly a $250 million plus software project in the first half of the 1970s. As such, it is one of the largest failed software projects up to that point (perhaps the largest) in the 1970s. As I cite, Willis Ware (who I interviewed and I also researched his papers and did research at the RAND Archives) was Chief Scientist of the Air Force (in addition to head of CS at RAND) and he warned the Air Force it would fail and he was right.

Jeffrey R. Yost. Materiel Command and the Materiality of Commands: An Historical Examination of the US Air Force, Control Data Corporation, and the Advanced Logistics System  in Arthur Tatnall's History of Computing IFIP Proceedings published by Springer (2010).  Here is the link

Title (springer.com)<https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-642-15199-6_10.pdf>

Best, Jeff

Please connect at:   Mastodon<https://mastodon.social/@JustCodeCulture> Twitter<https://twitter.com/justcodeculture>  Linkedin<https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffrey-yost-b714566>

Jeffrey Yost, Ph.D.
Director, Charles Babbage Institute<http://www.cse.umn.edu/cbi>; Research Professor, History Sci/Tech/Med
222 21st Avenue South, University of Minnesota; Minneapolis, MN 55455

Studies in Computing and Culture book series, Johns Hopkins U. Press Co-Editor
PI, NSF-funded CBI project "Mining a Useable Past: Perspectives, Paradoxes, and Possibilities with Security and Privacy."
Blockchain & Society Blog and Site<https://www.blockchainandsociety.com> (Founder/Leader)
Interfaces: Essays and Reviews in Computing and Culture<https://cse.umn.edu/cbi/interfaces> Co-Editor (w/ Amanda Wick)
Committee Member, National Academy of Engineering Extraordinary Engineering Impacts on Society
Making IT Work: A History of the Computer Services Industry (MIT Press)<https://amzn.to/3gqe4R6>

On Mon, May 29, 2023 at 10:23 AM Lee Vinsel via Members <members at lists.sigcis.org<mailto:members at lists.sigcis.org>> wrote:
Hi, Jonathan! and all,

If there is a good book on why software adoption/modernization fails so often I have missed it, but I have really enjoyed the work of Robert Charette on the topic. I think his first piece on it was simply titled "Why Software Fails<https://spectrum.ieee.org/why-software-fails>" and was published in IEEE Spectrum. He has written several follow ups since then. Bob is easily approachable via email and has a wealth of knowledge about these topics. By the way, he is also the author of the recent 12 part series "The EV Transition Explained," which was also published as an ebook<https://spectrum.ieee.org/ev-transition-explained-ebook> and demonstrates his characteristic insights into system dynamics.


On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 7:58 PM Jonathan Coopersmith via Members <members at lists.sigcis.org<mailto:members at lists.sigcis.org>> wrote:
Any suggestions for a book or article on software modernization failures, especially for large projects?  Why do they seem common -- and apparently remain so?
Thank you.

Stay sane,


Jonathan Coopersmith
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science

Professor Emeritus
Department of History
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX  77843-4236
979.739.4708 (cell)

"A Chief Skunk Looks Back,"<https://aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org/departments/a-chief-skunk-looks-back/> (interview with Sherm Mullin) Aerospace America March 2023

It's taking longer to vote - especially if you are Black or Hispanic<https://theconversation.com/its-taking-more-time-to-cast-a-ballot-in-us-elections-and-even-longer-for-black-and-hispanic-voters-191711>, theconversation.com<http://theconversation.com/>

Preserving space archives:  https://www.toboldlypreserve.space/

FAXED.  The Rise and Fall of the Fax Machine (Johns Hopkins University Press)

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Associate Professor
Department of Science, Technology, and Society
Virginia Tech
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