[SIGCIS-Members] James Pelkey - in memory

Ceruzzi, Paul CeruzziP at si.edu
Thu May 11 17:33:49 PDT 2023

Thank you, Andrew for that tribute to James Pelkey.  His emphasis on the importance of INTEROP is appropriate and needs emphasis.

 I cannot resist a story about the INTEROP that took place in Crystal City, outside Washington, in 1987. [Any attendees: please correct me if my memory is faulty, but here goes]: One evening of the meeting, the group was invited to a reception at the National Air and Space Museum, including a screening of the famous IMAX movie "To Fly." I was asked to introduce the film, and when I arrived at the theatre, I noticed the front rows were occupied by folks in Star Trek and related costumes (this is before Cosplay, people!). Some of them heckled me mercilessly, causing me to completely lose it. But a good time was had by all, so I was OK. Later on there was a reception in the main hall, and a woman recognized me, and she blurted out, "Do you have any idea what it's like to be married to one of these people?" Looking back, I feel blessed to have been present at the Creation.
Paul Ceruzzi
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