[SIGCIS-Members] SHOT open session: Researching gender in the history of the Internet and the Web

Janet Abbate abbate at vt.edu
Thu Mar 23 09:09:10 PDT 2023

Dear SIGCIS folks,

We are proposing an unconventional session (roundtable) on "Researching gender in the history of the Internet and the Web.” An edited version of the roundtable may become part of a special issue (in progress) of the journal Internet Histories on Gender and Internet/Web History. The roundtable aims to discuss research experiences, methods, sources, corpora, and challenges such as:

* Discussing the meaning of the Internet for women and the historical transformations of the relationship between women and the Internet, including structural/cultural obstacles and varying national patterns

* Approaching the construction of gender, including its intersectionality with race, on the Internet, including feminism on the web, gender activism and social movements; masculine cultures and the Internet/Web, etc.

* Filling gaps in the knowledge of women’s expertise as Internet builders, managers, hackers, influencers, bloggers, content moderators, coders, etc.

* Finding relevant sources to better grasp gender and imaginaries of the Internet, such as taking full advantage of oral histories

* Mapping and discussing innovative methods to retrace gendered controversies and anti-woman movements online (e.g., trolling, gamergate, #metoo, etc.)

* Understanding how the Internet has exploited relational/affective labor

* Working on silences and invisibility

* Communicating on these findings and disseminating them beyond audiences that are already interested and convinced.

To participate, send a CV and short description of the topics you are particularly interested in addressing and your interest and experience in these areas. Junior scholars with work in progress are especially encouraged to participate. Please submit it to valerie.schafer at uni.lu <mailto:valerie.schafer at uni.lu> by March,
26, 2023.

You can find the open panels here: 

Dr. Janet Abbate
Professor, Science, Technology and Society
Virginia Tech
Co-director, VT National Capital Region STS program
Author, Inventing the Internet and Recoding Gender

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