[SIGCIS-Members] New Publication: Digital Energetics

Julie Cohn cohnconnor at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 10:44:39 PDT 2023

Congratulations - looking forward to exploring your book!

Julie Cohn, Ph.D.

Non-Resident Scholar, Center for Energy Studies
Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University, and
Research Historian, Center for Public History
University of Houston

email: cohnconnor at gmail.com
cell: 713.516.0849

Author: The Grid: Biography of an American Technology (MIT Press, 2017)

> On Jul 12, 2023, at 12:24 PM, Chaar Lopez, Ivan via Members <members at lists.sigcis.org> wrote:
> This looks fascinating and it's such an important contribution. Congratulations to you all! Can't wait to read it soon.
> Salud,
> Iván
> --
> Iván Chaar López
> Assistant Professor, Department of American Studies
> PI, Border Tech Lab
> Faculty Fellow, Humanities Institute
> University of Texas at Austin
> <Outlook-sc0tj2op.png>
> From: Members <members-bounces at lists.sigcis.org> on behalf of Anne Pasek via Members <members at lists.sigcis.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 12:14 PM
> To: members at lists.sigcis.org <members at lists.sigcis.org>
> Subject: [SIGCIS-Members] New Publication: Digital Energetics
> Hi All,
> Just passing on the news that our (Zane Cooper, Jordan Kinder, Cindy Lin + me) new book, Digital Energetics <https://meson.press/books/digital-energetics/>, is now out in open access. 
> It aims to be an energy (and thus we argue, necessarily also a labor) history of computing, with touch points in the US, Canada, Greenland, and Indonesia. I suspect many folks on the list will enjoy it.
> Hope you're all doing well!
> Anne Pasek
> Assistant Professor - Department of Cultural Studies and School of the Environment, Trent University
> Canada Research Chair in Media, Culture, and the Environment
> (she/her)
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