[SIGCIS-Members] Crowdfunding: 76+ hours of interviews with Hungarian home computer enthusiasts on BluRay

Gleb J. Albert gleb.albert at uzh.ch
Sun Jul 9 14:47:56 PDT 2023

Dear list members

I just learned about this amazing project which is highly relevant not only for the history of computer subcultures, but for the history of East European home computing in general:


The makers of the Hungarian "Moleman" home computing documentary series are planning to release 76+ hours of raw (and English-subtitled!) footage of interviews they did with Hungarian home computer users and enthusiasts (mostly crackers, hackers and demosceners) who were active in the 1980s and the early 1990s. I am sure this will be a treasure trove for the cultural and social history of home computing behind the Iron Curtain, and of immense value for any researcher working in the field. The footage will be available on three BluRay disks. I just pre-ordered my copy and really hope that the project will reach its funding goal.

All the best,

Dr. Gleb J. Albert
Historisches Seminar, Universität Zürich

Universität Zürich
Historisches Seminar
Culmannstr. 1
CH-8006 Zürich

Tel. +41-446346187

Review editor: H-Soz-Kult, review team "History of Knowledge" - <http://www.hsozkult.de>

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