[SIGCIS-Members] History courses in CS departments

Evan Koblentz evank at njit.edu
Wed Feb 15 09:40:16 PST 2023

Hi everyone,

I've been teaching a special topics course in computer history for three 
semesters here at NJIT. The university policy is three semesters 
maximum, then the course must be made permanent or cancelled. So I'm 
going through the process of trying to make it permanent.

The department administration supports it, but it has to be voted on by 
the rank-and-file faculty, many of whom don't seem to understand the 
value of a history course -- or at least not of a history course in a 
technical department, rather than through our humanities college.

It would help if I can show them other examples. Can anyone point me 
existing examples of history courses in CS, EE, or other technical 
departments at U.S. universities?

Evan Koblentz

New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Senior Writer, Office of Strategic Communications
- Adjunct Instructor, Ying Wu College of Computing
- Faculty/Staff Advisor, NJIT Lego Club

evank at njit.edu
(973) 596-3065
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