Morgan G. Ames morganya at berkeley.edu
Tue Dec 26 16:35:55 PST 2023

Dear SIGCIS Community,

The SIGCIS Conference Organizing Committee is pleased to announce the CFP
for our 2024 SIGCIS Conference, *SYSTEM UPDATE*. Our keynote for the event
is *Anita Say Chan <https://ischool.illinois.edu/people/anita-say-chan>*,
Associate Professor in the School of Information Sciences at the University
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

The SIGCIS Conference will take place *July 14th, 2024* in Viña del Mar,
Chile, on the Sunday of the SHOT conference. Abstracts are due *January 28,

Below you can find the full CFP for this year's conference. The CFP can
also be viewed as a Google doc here
or at our conference website: https://meetings.sigcis.org.

Please circulate widely, and we hope to see you at SIGCIS!

-Morgan G. Ames, Xiaochang Li, Gili Vidan, Katya Babintseva, and Colette


System Update:
Patches, Tactics, Responses

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Viña del Mar, Chile | July 14, 2024

The Special Interest Group in Computing, Information, and Society [SIGCIS]
welcomes submissions to their 15th Annual Conference

Proposal Due Date: January 28, 2024 <https://forms.gle/87jx9wSrpUs8i4ZM7>

Anita Say Chan
<https://ischool.illinois.edu/people/anita-say-chan>Associate Professor,
School of Information Sciences
Director, Community Data Clinic
Provost Fellow, International Relations & Global Strategies
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


Patches, central to functioning computer systems, may improve performance,
mend security flaws, or debug code. Like a patch on torn clothing, these
updates are by design tactical and temporary, a response to immediate
vulnerabilities. Patchwork can be an important tool for resilience and
repair when a system overhaul would be protracted and disruptive. Still,
patchwork also presumes that problems are ‘bugs’ or ‘glitches,’ isolated
issues that could and would be fixed on the go (Benjamin 2019, Kidwell
1998). As patches accumulate, their stitches and seams can themselves be a
vulnerability, and their presence may distract from more transformative

The history of computing is permeated with patchwork. While many have
critiqued an overreliance on quick technical fixes, patchwork can also be
understood as a targeted resistance, a vital stopgap that directly
addresses local failures and externalities within political, social, and
economic systems when systemic forms of recourse are limited or
unresponsive to the specific needs of local communities. As we gather for
our first SIGCIS meeting in Latin America, Chile provides important
historical lessons for how to think about architectures for technology and
power, ones that move beyond surface-level responses to deeply
revolutionary visions (Medina 2011). This history also reminds us of the
constraints faced by historical actors who must work within a system even
when seeking to update it.

“System Update: Patches, Tactics, Responses” invites scholars, museum and
archive professionals, journalists, IT practitioners, artists, and
independent researchers across the disciplinary spectrum to consider how
the history of computing and information technology is entangled with
political and economic histories in a variety of contexts, and especially
to consider patchwork. In spaces of uneven infrastructural investment,
environmental restoration, or resistance and reparations, what are the uses
and limitations of quick fixes? How have patches been used as tactical
responses to large-scale, deeply historical injustices? Who carries the
burden of patchwork and who is left out of the update? How can historical
analyses help us respond to colonial and environmentally-fraught computing
practices in and beyond the Global South? What strategies might allow for
system rebuilding rather than mere patching?

The annual SIGCIS Conference begins immediately after the regular annual
meeting of our parent organization, the Society for the History of
Technology (SHOT). Information about the annual SHOT conference can be
found at:


SIGCIS welcomes proposals for individual 15-minute papers, 3-4 paper panel
proposals, and non-traditional proposals such as roundtables, software
demonstrations, art and music performances, hands-on workshops, etc.

Submissions are due January 28, 2024 via Google Form

Submissions require:


   300-350 word abstract, summary, or prospectus (as appropriate for the
   submission type). Full panel proposals should additionally include 200-250
   word abstracts for each paper that will be part of the panel.

   100-150 word bios for each participant

If you are submitting a co-presented paper, pre-constituted panel, or other
submission involving multiple participants, please only have one person
submit for the group; contact and professional information for other
participants can be included in the Bio submission section.

SIGCIS is especially welcoming of new directions in scholarship. We
maintain an inclusive atmosphere for scholarly inquiry, supporting
disciplinary interventions from beyond the traditional history of
technology and promoting diversity in STEM. We welcome submissions from:
the histories of technology, computing, information, and science; science
and technology studies; oral history and archival studies; critical studies
of big data and machine learning; studies of women, gender, and sexuality;
studies of race, ethnicity, and postcoloniality; film, media, and game
studies; software and code studies; network and internet histories; music,
sound studies, and art history; and all other applicable domains.

Questions about the submission process should be sent to:
sigcis.conference at gmail.com.

Hosting an in-person event incurs costs related to room and A/V rental,
catering, etc. These costs are subsidized in part by our parent
organization, SHOT, but participants should expect registration fees in the
range of $45-50 for SHOT attendees and $90-120 for those only attending the
Sunday SIGCIS Conference (we list these rates in good faith, but they are
subject to change). Attending SHOT has its own registration costs.


Continuing our 2022 initiative, SIGCIS will be offering grants to support
travel expenses and/or expenses related to child, elder, and other forms of
care for presenters whose responsibilities at home may present a barrier to
in-person participation. The top financial priority of SIGCIS is support
for graduate students, visiting faculty without institutional travel
support, and others who would be unable to attend the meeting without
travel assistance. We will reach out to presenters after acceptances have
been sent out with further information and instructions for applying.

Any award offered is contingent on registering for and attending the SIGCIS
Conference. Please note that SHOT does not classify the SIGCIS Conference
as participation in the SHOT Annual Meeting, so acceptance by SIGCIS does
not imply eligibility for the SHOT travel grant program.


The submission Google form will include a field where individuals may make
requests for accessibility accommodations. Since our event is coordinated
by our parent organization, SHOT, we cannot guarantee our ability to meet
all accommodation requests. However, our intent will always be to advocate
strongly to meet the accessibility needs of our participants.


Morgan G. Ames <http://morganya.org/>, University of California,
Berkeley (SIGCIS
Vice-Chair of Meetings)

Xiaochang Li <https://comm.stanford.edu/faculty-li/>, Stanford University

Katya Babintseva
Purdue University

Gili Vidan <https://infosci.cornell.edu/content/vidan>, Cornell University
Colette Perold
<https://www.colorado.edu/cmci/people/media-studies/colette-perold>, University
of Colorado
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